Users guide

Users guide

Networking-Ansible is currently tested with one use case, Ironic Baremetal Guests. In this section this use case will be exercised in a set of example commands to show how end users would use ironic to provision baremetal nodes. Provisioning baremetal nodes using ironic with networking-ansible would use networking-ansible to manage the guest’s switch level network configuration. Networking-Ansible is used by ironic to first assign a baremetal guest’s switchport to the Ironic provisoning network to provision the baremetal guest. After provisoning, the baremetal guest’s switchport is assigned to the VLAN assigned by Neutron to guest’s tenant network.

The example shown here mirrors a user’s expereience deploying a guest with Ironic. The end user’s experience using networking-ansible is via Neutron and Nova. Nova will select a baremetal node as its target when a properly configured baremetal flavor is provided to the OpenStack server create command.

  1. An administrator will provide Ironic node(s) that are available for provisioning and a baremetal flavor.
openstack baremetal node list
openstack flavor list
  1. Create a tenant VLAN network and subnet that uses the physical network the guest is attached to.
openstack network create --provider-network-type vlan --provider-physical-network datacentre my-tenant-net
openstack subnet create --network tenant-net --subnet-range --allocation-pool start=,end= tenant-subnet
  1. Execute server create using the tenant network just created. This assumes disk images and keypairs are already created and available.
openstack server create --image a-baremetal-image --flavor baremetal --nic net-id={my-tenant-net uuid} --key-name my-keypair bm-instance
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